
Video [meme.garden] Software, networkdimensions variable2006 [meme.garden] is collaboratively created software which allows participants to search words, find clouds of associated words, and “plant” their word searches to create “forests” which may or may not have relationships with other participants in the system. Participants’ plants grow through time and reflect network changes through time about their… Continue reading [meme.garden]


Video [giantJoystick] Wood, steel, paint, electronics, Atari games, projector9′ x 9′3m x 3m [giantJoystick] is a large, functioning game controller and serves as an interface to a shift in embodied experience. [giantJoystick] explores group collaboration in play. A 10 foot tall joystick, modeled after a classic Atari 2600 joystick, is situated in the gallery or in… Continue reading [giantJoystick]

[ghost city]

[ghost city] Software, computer, performancedimensions variable2006 [ghost city] uses a game-like interface where the participant maneuvers around an aerial map of the district around Bellevue Hospital in New York City. As the participant moves around the map, roving snippets of text, selections from poems written in the neighborhood around Bellevue, slip down streets or pop up… Continue reading [ghost city]


Video [ineffable] Computer application, digital mapDimensions variable2005 Email is now so pervasive and so essential to our lives that it’s difficult to remember how we communicated prior to its emergence. The ramifications of the nearly wholesale replacement of our physical voice with a detached written text continues to be felt everywhere email is used, whether… Continue reading [ineffable]


[six.circles] Software, controller, computerdimensions variable2004 [six.circles] is a 2 player conceptual game exploring cooperation and competition through the construction of simple geometic objects. The goal is to be the first to construct a series of 6 circle forms while fending off viruses seeking to infect each piece. Players are obliged to periodically attach infected pieces… Continue reading [six.circles]


[kaleidoglobe] Projection onto sphere4′ x 4′122cm x 122cm2004 [kaleidoglobe] is a video projection on a large spherical projection surface utilizing images of routine domestic work typically performed by women. The images began as documentation of three generations of women in my family preparing traditional holiday foods like popcorn balls. These images and others were digitally manipulated… Continue reading [kaleidoglobe]

[habituation cage]

[habituation cage] Performance, locked roomDimensions variable2003 [habituation cage] was a 24 hour, site specific performative experiment organized and masterminded by Sara Diamond of Code Zebra and enacted at the Dutch Electronic Arts Festival in Rotterdam, March 2003. I was locked in the paraSITE structure for 24 hours with Tom Donaldson, another inventor. In our time… Continue reading [habituation cage]


Video [domestic] Controller, computer, projection, softwaredimensions variable2003 [domestic] uses a software engine normally used to generate violent first-shooter video games in order to reconstruct a remembered childhood space where a dramatic event has taken place: a house fire. The participant navigates an oddly constructed domestic space that is actually a map encompassing the inside and… Continue reading [domestic]


Video [rootwords] (QuickTime .mov) [rootwords] Computer, software, projectionDimensions variable2002 [rootwords] is a language experimentation environment. Beginning with a simple poem by the maker, the program’s goal is to “grow” a new language from English root words using common prefixes, suffixes, and other components. Users click the root words to grow an organism of variations and… Continue reading [rootwords]